Quim Mesalles

Quim Mesalles

Quim Mesalles was born in Barcelona in 1955. He studied drama at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona and, during his studies, the Stainslavski method was very important for his education. Afterwards he focused on psychology and Gestalt therapy and created his own training in group dynamics following the Gestalt theory, calling it Ludotraining. He later became a trainer and supervisor of Gestalt therapy and specialized in leading therapeutic groups. For twenty years he’s been running the Gestalt School Catalunya-Espailúdic where he combines his work as a psychotherapist with training in Gestalt therapy for adults and children, drama therapy, systemic, Enneagram and sex therapy.


Obras destacadas

La magia de la Gestalt

La magia de la Gestalt

Ediciones Obelisco, 2024

Esta caja que tien...

La pequeña tribu

La pequeña tribu

Comanegra, 2019

Gestalt therapy applied to children and adolescents is little developed, and there are hardly ...

La tribu que sana

La tribu que sana

Comanegra, 2018

The relation between drama and therapy in recent years has grown extraordinarily, but there ar...

Bibliografía completa

Ediciones Obelisco, 2024
Non-fiction. Comanegra, 2019
Non-fiction. Comanegra, 2018