Lluís Prats
Lluis Parts was born in Terrassa in 1966. He studied Art and Archaeology in the UAB and in the University of Girona. For some years he spent time in historic investigation. His work "Los genios del Renacimiento y del Barroco italiano" (Carroggio, 2006) was awarded with the Primer Premio del Ministerio de Cultura. He has worked a few years as a professor in Secondary Schools, as a publisher in Art Books and he run a Production Company featuring movies in Los Angeles (California) where he had the opportunity to work in some projects with Oscar's award winners. He has published more than a dozen of teen novels and essays. In 2018 he was awarded the Strega Ragazzi Award and the Josep M. Folch i Torres Award for Children's Literature for his work Hachiko, a book that has sold more than 190.000 copies worldwide and has been translated to seven languages. In 2019 he was granted the Ramon Muntaner Award for his novel Kambirì, a moving story of an immigrant girl who arrives to Italy and is rescued by a doctor, and the Guillem Cifre de Colonya Award for Corporaciò d'alienìgenes.
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