Anna Clariana
With more than a hundred published books, she has worked for the most important publishers in Spain (Cruïlla, Barcanova, Vicens Vives, Casals, Bromera, Anaya, Edelvives, SM, among others) and she has also collaborated in textbook projects and magazines (Cavall Fort, Barçakids, Mil Dimonis, Mi Bebé y yo) She began her professional career in graphic design and her experience in advertising is known in the cultural world and other fields. Throughout her career she has been awarded different prizes for her graphic work. She combines the work of illustrator with teaching, exhibitions, and talks.
Mis viajes con papá
A wonderful story by bestselling author Lorenzo Silva. After the successful ‘Te quiero u...
Ada no tarda nada
Por las mañanas, los papás de Ada van a la carrera y la apremian para que se d&e...
Robo Bobo 9. Manânca sanatos
Robo Bobo, Toma's little robot, has a factory defect: he only likes chocolate. Toma will h...
Els pirates del temps
It all starts when brothers Pol and Max cheat to watch television at night, while their parent...