Anna Clariana

Anna Clariana

With more than a hundred published books, she has worked for the most important publishers in Spain (Cruïlla, Barcanova, Vicens Vives, Casals, Bromera, Anaya, Edelvives, SM, among others) and she has also collaborated in textbook projects and magazines (Cavall Fort, Barçakids, Mil Dimonis, Mi Bebé y yo) She began her professional career in graphic design and her experience in advertising is known in the cultural world and other fields. Throughout her career she has been awarded different prizes for her graphic work. She combines the work of illustrator with teaching, exhibitions, and talks.


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Ada no tarda nada

Ada no tarda nada

Rubio, 2024

Por las mañanas, los papás de Ada van a la carrera y la apremian para que se d&e...

Els pirates del temps

Els pirates del temps

Andana, 2023

It all starts when brothers Pol and Max cheat to watch television at night, while their parent...

La maleta del viatger

La maleta del viatger

Tushita, 2020

Laia is 12 years old and she loves travelling. She has taken travelling tips from the books sh...

25 cuentos populares de España

25 cuentos populares de España

Voca Editorial, 2020

25 of the most popular tales of Spain. A selection of the best stories to discover Spain and i...

Bibliografía completa

Rubio, 2024
Children's fiction. Andana, 2023
Children's fiction. Tushita, 2020
Children's fiction. Voca Editorial, 2020
Cuentos clásicos como nunca II
Voca Editorial, 2020
25 cuentos clásicos del Perú
Children's fiction. Voca Editorial, 2020
picture book. Larousse, 2020
Busca i troba – De dalt a baix
Children fiction. Larousse, 2019
Cuinem a 4 mans
Children fiction. Larousse, 2018
Amb sabates de molsa
picture book. Pagès Editors, 2018
Des d’allà dalt tot és diferent
picture book. El Cep i la Nansa, 2018
Cuinem en familia
picture book. Pagès Editors, 2017
La bohème
picture book. Emse Edapp, 2016
Tindré un germanet
Children fiction. Animallibres, 2016
Olor de maduixa
picture book. Pagès Editors, 2016
Em dic Aran i m’agrada escriure!
Children fiction. Animallibres, 2016
Tirant lo Blanc
Children fiction. Bromera, 2016
Una aventura pirata
Super Prota, 2016
L’Arbre de les lletres
picture book. Baula, 2015
L’Odissea de Sant Jordi
picture book. Cruïlla, 2015
L’Odissea de Sant Jordi
Children's fiction. Cruïlla, 2015
L’abecedàri dels oficis
picture book. Eumo Editorial, 2014
L’abecedàri dels oficis
picture book. Eumo Editorial, 2014
Capitanes intrépidos
Children's fiction. Anaya, 2013
El petit abet de Nadal
Children's fiction. Barcanova, 2013
El jardí de música i cristal
Children's fiction. Cruïlla, 2013
Celebrem el Nadal
picture book. Barcanova, 2012
L’orquestra Ursina
La Galera, 2012
picture book. Comanegra, 2011
La dent de Maria
picture book. Bromera, 2011
El peix, l’ocell, el gos, el gat
picture book. Combel, 2011
Castells i castellers
Children fiction. Barcanova, 2010