L'Oslo vol pintar la lluna
Autor: Teresa Blanch
Ilustrador: Jordi Sunyer
Editorial: Barcanova
Año de publicación: 2006
Formato: 13 x 20
Género: Children's fiction
Nº páginas: 80 págs.
Edad: From 8 years old
Ilustrador: Jordi Sunyer
Editorial: Barcanova
Año de publicación: 2006
Formato: 13 x 20
Género: Children's fiction
Nº páginas: 80 págs.
Edad: From 8 years old
Oslo is so obsessed with the moon that his parents start to think he is a werewolf. Therefore, on nights when there is a full moon they observe him carefully, expecting to hear his howls. Meanwhile, Oslo secretely builds a special ship to fly him to...
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