Valentín  Coronel

Valentín Coronel

A few years ago someone asked him to "never let the child inside you die". He took it very seriously: the boy inside him rebelled and took the controls to "who knows where".

He is involved in different projects for children and young people, and he is the creator of "Tu Opinión Divergente" (Algar / Bromera). He loves to have fun with words and question everything around him, which creates great confusion in his wife when Valentín says: "Who are you? Take me to your leader."

Speaking about himself in the third person is very strange, so this biography / summary you are reading seems to him the work of a megalomaniac half Balkan footballer, half supervillain

Obras destacadas

Me entiendo, pero a ratos

Me entiendo, pero a ratos

Algar, 2022

El cerebro condiciona todos los aspectos de nuestra vida, desde las funciones fisiológi...

Virus, bacterias y otros nanobichos

Virus, bacterias y otros nanobichos

Algar y Bromera, 2021

With the help of a microscope you can see the beings that really rule this world. They are tin...

Geografía bajo el ombligo. Sexología para todos los gustos

Geografía bajo el ombligo. Sexología para todos los gustos

Algar y Bromera, 2020

In an age where there exists everything (youtubers, influencers and despicable friendships) it...

El oso polar se fue a la playa

El oso polar se fue a la playa

Algar, 2018

Bibliografía completa

Nonfiction. Algar y Bromera, 2021
Children Books. Algar, 2018